Fume Board – 10 frame


Fume Board – 10 frame

Out of Stock

SKU: HP-FB-10FR Category:


Our fume board feature a 1-3/4″ deep wooden frame covered with a terry cloth liner and an aluminum cover. Spray the liner with a small amount of your favorite bee repellent in an X or S pattern (our bee repellent preference is Fischer’s Bee Quick) The aluminum cover is black so that it absorbs heat from the sun rapidly, evaporating the bee repellent and forcing the bees out of the honey super. Tip: Place fume board in the sun to heat it up before spraying on the repellent. After spraying on repellent place the fume board on the top of the upper super with corners of frames exposed for airflow. Removal time will depend on temperature and humidity.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 lbs
Dimensions 20.2 × 16.3 × 1.8 in

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FOR September

Check queen vitality
Treat for varroa mites if needed
Check food reserve buildup
Install mouse guards