Comb Capper Uncapping Support


Comb Capper Uncapping Support

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SKU: HP-CC Category:


The CombCapper is a simple, economical tool for the hobby beekeeper with a small number of hives. The CombCapper is a frame support that fits on top of a 5 gallon pail and makes the uncapping process much easier. The recessed arch under the CombCapper fits over the rim of the pail locking the device in place and providing stability. Notches integrated into the Comb Capper hold shallow, medium and deep frames while uncapping. Also included is a stainless steel nail that fits into a predrilled hole which can also be used to as a frame support and allows the frame to be held on the nail and rotated 360° for a “more traditional” uncapping approach. The CombCapper is dishwasher safe and is made of a 20% glass-filled polypropolene resin.

CombCapper FAQs

Additional information

Weight 1.5 lbs
Dimensions 13.3 × 5.8 × 1 in


FOR September

Check queen vitality
Treat for varroa mites if needed
Check food reserve buildup
Install mouse guards